
Health Notes
September 2011

by: Sydney Cooley – L. Ac, Dipl. OM

Transitioning to Fall with Ease and Grace

Now that the days and nights are becoming cooler, we realize that the fall season is quickly coming upon us. According to Chinese Medicine this period of late summer belongs to the earth element, which represents the harvesting of the fruits of our labors from the seeds we planted earlier in the year. It is time to celebrate the abundance in our lives!

As we progress further into fall and the trees begin to lose their leaves, this is the time for us to begin our process of turning inward and consolidating our energy into our root system. It is a time of release and letting go of those things that do not serve us. The fall season belongs to the metal element, and the organ systems associated with metal are the lungs and large intestines. Both systems take in nutrients in the form of oxygen or food, releasing the old to make way for the new. Ask yourself what in your life needs to be released – especially if you are holding on to unresolved grief, as grief and sadness are the emotions most strongly associated with the lungs. If imbalances in the energy systems of the lungs and large intestine exist, they will manifest more during the fall season than any other time.

Physical symptoms could show up as bronchitis, a tendency to catch cold, allergies and constipation. Acupuncture will help bring balance to these energy systems and help create balance in all areas of your life. The seasonal transition is an excellent time for all of us to tune up our systems, because even the healthiest of us tend to be a little more vulnerable to imbalance as our internal environments work to adjust to changes taking place in the external environment.

To your vibrant living,
Sydney Cooley – my Acupuncture Durango
L Ac, Dipl OM

1040 Main Ave (Upstairs)
Located inside the Serving Life
Chiropractic Studio
