by SydAcu | Feb 8, 2014 | Acupuncture, Acupuncture in Durango
Acupuncture treatments… I am often asked the question “Can acupuncture help me avoid surgery?” The answer is that sometimes it can and other times it can’t. Unfortunately surgery doesn’t always work either. I have seen folks in my... by SydAcu | Dec 28, 2013 | Acupuncture in Durango
Durango Acupuncture Alliance Care for Veterans of La Plata County Durango Veterans Acupuncture Clinic Durango Acupuncture Alliance began our first community service project in 2012, known as… Durango Veterans Acupuncture Clinic. This... by SydAcu | Dec 28, 2013 | Durango Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
Just by applying some (if not all) of these simple considerations through-out the day, you’ll discover some very powerful results in your health and wellness… To Your Best Health! Sydney Cooley L. Ac., Dipl OM Improve Your Health… Water Divide... by SydAcu | Sep 30, 2013 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
Welcome to Fall! Seasonal transitions always make life a little more interesting… According to Chinese medicine, Fall belongs to the metal element and the corresponding organs, lungs and large intestine. The lungs help us bring the world in through the inhale... by SydAcu | Jul 18, 2013 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
The earliest roots of Chinese medicine originate with Daoism. This lineage is often referred to as the inner tradition of Chinese medicine. The Daoists believed that the body is not a biochemical machine like modern science does but is animated by spirit and that each...