by SydAcu | May 8, 2013 | Acupuncturist in Durango, Chinese Medicine
There are many causes of headaches and migraines. They can be a result of stress, the onset of a cold or allergies, a hormonal imbalance, a head trauma, foods and drinks, or the result of a poor diet. Sometimes we know why we are experiencing the headache and often... by SydAcu | Apr 9, 2013 | Durango Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
According to the teachings of Chinese Medicine, an important principle to leading a healthy life is that of balance. Living a life of balance affords us longevity. One of the ways of achieving balance is by mirroring the energy of the seasons. Everything in nature is... by SydAcu | Sep 23, 2012 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine has 5 essential fundamentals to help you stay healthy during season shifts… The 5 principles are aspects of Qi. These are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Acupuncture along with Chinese herbs will assist with your… viruses, allergies,... by SydAcu | Mar 23, 2012 | Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
There are so many things in the Durango Spring to be grateful for – blooming flowers, buds on the trees bursting forth, longer and warmer days. All this extra energy around us also means that since we are mirrors of our external environment, we have more energy... by SydAcu | Dec 29, 2011 | Durango Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
One only needs to scan the shelves of your local drug store and see all the products dedicated to digestive issues to realize how prevalent digestive problems are in this society; problems like heartburn, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea to name a few. Sadly, our...