by SydAcu | Nov 6, 2012 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture assists with the relief of back, neck and joint pain… Back (and shoulder/neck) pain is one of the most common reasons individuals will seek medical attention. Some of the most common reasons for back pain are muscle or ligament sprains or strains... by SydAcu | Sep 23, 2012 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine has 5 essential fundamentals to help you stay healthy during season shifts… The 5 principles are aspects of Qi. These are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Acupuncture along with Chinese herbs will assist with your… viruses, allergies,... by SydAcu | Mar 23, 2012 | Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
There are so many things in the Durango Spring to be grateful for – blooming flowers, buds on the trees bursting forth, longer and warmer days. All this extra energy around us also means that since we are mirrors of our external environment, we have more energy... by SydAcu | Feb 18, 2012 | Chinese Medicine, Durango Colorado Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine excel at treating a host of menstrual disorders such as irregular or painful periods; and premenstrual issues such as irritability, breast tenderness, cramping and headaches. Chinese medicine teaches us that most of these... by SydAcu | Oct 30, 2011 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
As I pondered recently about why I love the work that I do, I also started thinking about the qualities that I love in my clients. In order for me to meet my professional purpose of serving others by helping people to experience a different state of being and enjoy a... by SydAcu | Jun 28, 2011 | Acupuncture in Durango, Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine teaches us that spring is the time of the Wood Element. Just as new grass comes bursting up out of the ground and buds sprout on the trees, Wood energy is characterized by surging, exuberant upward and outward movement. This is why we often feel so...